- Work in a larger room with good ventilation or the means to ventilate by opening windows and doors. Air conditioned rooms are not advised. Alternatively take your drama outside to the recreation ground or playing field!
- Keep class sizes to around 15 students.
- Keep group sizes to a minimum with a maximum of 4 students per group. If possible, students should work with the same groups and in the same space each lesson.
- Limit any collaborative group activities to a maximum of 15 minutes and limit the number of group activities to no more than 2 per hour’s lesson.
- The space for your group to work in should be, ideally, at least 3m by 3m. Aim to keep individual spaces at least 1m apart. Mark up working spaces on the floor using coloured tape, chalk or mats.
- Limit physical contact and particularly close face to face work.
- No singing, chanting or playing musical instruments.
- Limit the amount of paper that students come into contact with. Scripts can be projected for students to read to avoid handling. Alternatively, poems or script extracts can be laminated and wiped down before and after every lesson. Students must avoid passing around reference books, notebooks, and any other written material.
- No mask work – unless students bring in their own masks!
- Technical equipment should be wiped down prior to each lesson – and afterwards – and must only be handled by one person during each lesson.
- Props and costumes from your store cupboard are totally out of bounds until further notice! (Sad face).
- If you want your students to use costumes or props for any of your drama work, these should be brought in from the student’s own home and taken home with them again after each lesson. Ensure that students don’t swap or handle each other’s props or costume items.
- Remind students of appropriate distances at regular interval during each lesson. Use a drama game to make reinforcing spatial awareness fun!
- Ask students to gel their hands on entering the lesson and to wash their hands afterwards, and before moving on to their next lesson. Or use gel again afterwards.
- Reassure students as often as you can and remind them that this too shall pass…
These are just guidelines. Your first priority should be to follow government guidelines plus school policies and procedures.
Adapted from the fabulous guide available on the Open Drama UK website with their kind permission.
Additional information for schools can be found in the Government's Guidance for full opening: schools.
Arts On The Move has created some distance learning and home study drama packs, including KS2 Drama and Theatre Home Work Activities Pack, KS3 Drama and Theatre Home Work Activities Pack, Storyboards Drama Worksheet Pack, Role On The Wall Drama Worksheet Pack and others, and many of the activities in these can be completed at desks in the socially distanced drama classroom.