Primary Drama Workshops


Whole School Drama Day

A variety of drama approaches are utilised to provide a fun and rewarding day of drama for the whole school - from Year 1 to Year 6! A range of stimuli are used to deliver a short workshop for each class. Sessions are designed to stimulate creativity, support drama and literacy objectives, and develop ideas for follow-on activities.

Aimed at: Whole School (timetable permitting)

Duration: Whole day!

Provider: Arts On The Move


The Magic Carpet

Guided Fantasy, Music & Movement

Magic, mystery and adventures beyond your wildest dreams! Travel to new lands on a magic carpet in search of Fairy Bubbles and the Evil Joker. Make your own ultraviolet sea creatures that guard the crystal caves and dance with them as the culmination of this dramatic adventure.

Aimed at: Years 2, 3 & 4

Duration: Full day

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



The Treasure Of Pirate Island

After attending pirate school where we learn to play cards and drink grog, we will be creating our own performances involving buried treasure, dastardly pirates, maps, sailing ships, sea shanties and of course, the black spot! But what shall we do with the drunken sailor?

Aimed at: Years 2, 3, 4 & 5

Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



Tales from the Dinner Plate

This drama day is packed full of fun and interesting ways to teach children about healthy eating choices, understanding the local and global impact of food on the planet & on people's lives. Reception - Oh You Sweet Things Yr 1 - Healthy Habits Pizza Party Yr 2 - Stories from Misha's suitcase Yr 3 - Future Food Scientists to the Rescue Yr 4 - The Oil Game Yr 5 - The Ministry of Future Food Yr 6 - Sustainable City Trade Game They will cover curriculum areas such as science, geography, maths, PSHE and English, citizenship, speaking and listening.

Aimed at: Year 1 to Year 6

Duration: Full day

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



A Day with the Giants

This drama day offers six individual workshops, each based on a story featuring gigantic characters such as Jim and the Beanstalk, The BFG and James and the Giant Peach. Each class will enjoy an immersive drama experience developing confidence and promoting high quality speaking while the teachers will learn how drama can bring texts to life for children of all ages and abilities.

Aimed at: Year 1 to Year 6

Duration: Full day (six separate workshops)

Provider: Peter Kennedy


0161 881 2607

07969 240 733

Performance Poetry Day

You can choose the poems that your classes are already studying or pick n Mix from:- Reception/Yr 1 - The Circus is in Town Yr 2 - Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes Yr 3 & 4 - The Pied Piper of Hamlin Yr 5 - 4 o' Clock Friday & Timothy Winters Yr 6 - Roger McGough Poems

Aimed at: Reception to Year 6

Duration: Full day

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



Talking Wardrobes

An Introduction To Physical Theatre

If wardrobes could talk, what would they say? If televisions told you what to watch, what would they choose? Without the use of set, props, costumes or magic trickery you can become the answer to these questions and more. Push the boundaries of theatre to the 'final frontier' with this surreal workshop.

Aimed at: Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only




David Wiesner's award winning picture book is the stimulus for this workshop of investigation, exploration and story-telling. Taking on the role of police detectives, children try to explain the arrival of mysterious lily-pads on a residential street before questioning characters who might know more. Teachers will observe the power of drama to create engaging and enjoyable learning experiences.

Aimed at: Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5

Duration: Half day

Provider: Peter Kennedy


0161 881 2607

07969 240 733

A Walk in the Woods

This drama day offers six individual workshops, each based on a story in a woodland setting such as The Gruffalo, The Tunnel and The Tin Forest. Each class will enjoy an immersive drama experience developing confidence and promoting high quality speaking while the teachers will learn how drama can bring texts to life for children of all ages and abilities.

Aimed at: Year 1 to Year 6

Duration: Full day (six separate workshops)

Provider: Peter Kennedy


0161 881 2607

07969 240 733

Villainous Villains & Heroic Heroes

Comedy Improvisation

Thrillingly theatrical and totally over the top, this workshop on Melodrama will help children create their own hilarious cartoon capers. Follow in the footsteps of Batman and Robin, Dick Dastardly, Crueller Deville and many more and put them into a performance that includes music and mayhem, slapstick and evil laughter.

Aimed at: Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)

Provider: Hilary

Notes: serving the South East only



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