Aside from any preparation for GCSE exams, drama at Key Stage 3 has an important role to play in the personal, social and emotional development of students. The personal skills and qualities developed by students in drama lessons – such as teamwork, creativity, respect for other opinions, empathy, leadership and risk-taking – are all invaluable skills which permeate home life, social life and, importantly, life at work.

Some students coming into school at Year 7 may not have previous experience of drama. Certainly many of them will not have been involved in drama as a discrete subject, and of devoting a whole study period to the subject! It is important that these students understand the basic drama methods, what is expected of them, and how they should respond as quickly and effectively as possible. There are many creative games and simple drama activities which will help teachers to encourage this understanding.

Drama stimulates the imagination, encourages creative thinking, and allows students to explore issues and life experiences in a safe and supportive environment. To this end, it is vital to create an atmosphere of security, trust and concentration in all drama lessons. Enforcing a Code of Conduct will help to set the tone for each lesson, will focus students and will ensure that they feel safe whilst exploring.

Drama also promotes self-esteem and provides all students with a sense of achievement, regardless of academic ability. These feelings will influence all other aspects of learning, school, home and social life. Drama is an invaluable subject for teaching social skills and communication skills, for raising self-awareness, developing empathy for and understanding of other people, places and cultures. It allows young people to be both introspective and outward-looking – and it’s also about having fun!

Drama Activities for KS3

Suggestions for drama activities for Key Stage 3 - drama games, methods and ideas


Drama Resources for Key Stage 3

Arts On The Move offers some great lesson plans, drama packs, schemes of work and other teaching resources. Here we’ve listed some resources that are particularly suitable for use with KS3 children. Other resources can be found elsewhere on this website and in our e‑shop.


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