Primary Drama Workshops
The Christmas Truce
Using Carol Ann Duffy's moving poem and David Roberts' atmospheric illustrations, pupils are lead through the experiences of a cold winter's night in 1914. Through role-play, children experience the rigours of life in the trenches and the camaraderie of the miraculous truce. Teachers will observe the power of drama to engage, enthuse and empathise.
Aimed at: Year 5 / Year 6
Duration: Half day
Provider: Peter Kennedy
The Lost City - Discovery of the Mayans
The Mayan ruins of Tikal are hidden deep in the rainforest of Guatemala. From the air only a handful of temples and palaces peek through the canopy. The stone carvings are weather-beaten. Huge plazas are covered in moss and giant reservoirs are engulfed by jungle.
Part 1 - Join me as I take your class, a group of archeologists, on a journey to unearth this ancient world. We discover ancient hieroglyphics, temples and colourful wall art that unearth the stories of this ancient civilization. But why did they crumble into dust? What is the truth behind the demise of this once great civilization?
Part 2 - The class is split into small groups as programme makers for The Discovery Channel. There are news reports to make, history, astrology and a cookery programme to make and a soap opera about the Spanish conquistador who joined the Mayans. Lights, camera, action!
Aimed at: Years 3 to 6
Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)
Provider: Hilary
Notes: serving the South East only
Egypt… The Legend Of Tutankhamen
Mantle Of The Expert
Travel in Egypt to the Valley of the Kings. As an archaeologist you will discover the true story of how the tomb of the boy king 'Tutankhamen' was found. But beware the curse of the Pharaohs!!
Aimed at: Years 3, 4, 5 & 6
Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)
Provider: Hilary
Notes: serving the South East only
WW1 Arts and Literacy: Tommy's War
The workshop aims to recreate something of the experience of going to war as a volunteer, right up to the point of 'going over the top' on the first day of the Battle of the Somme on 1st July 1916. The day will focus on the more prosaic aspects of trench life rather than any gratuitous role-play of the carnage of battle.
Aimed at: KS2/KS3
Duration: 1 or 2 day options
Provider: Workshops For Schools
Greek Theatre
Recreate some of the most famous Greek Myths and Legends ever told. All the elements that make up a Greek play are explored in this historical workshop. Stories such as Theseus & the Minotaur, Pandora's box and Orpheus & Eurydice are acted out complete with masked Greek chorus. (The children can even paint their own Greek masks.)
Aimed at: Years 4, 5, 6
Duration: Full or half day
Provider: Hilary
Notes: serving the South East only
The Secret Diary
Based On The Story Of Anne Frank
Learn about the true story of Anne Frank and aspects of the holocaust. Bring the story to life and experience some of the realities that Anne had to face in the attic. This workshop combines a mixture of seriousness with creative elements of hope, dreams and wishes. A school play and follow up lessons are available to buy direct from the author, Hilary Lewis
Aimed at: Year 6
Duration: Full or half day (morning or afternoon)
Provider: Hilary
Notes: serving the South East only
The First World War
Drama Role Play
Yr 2/3: The Christmas Day Truce Yr 4: Ghosts from the past - life in the trenches and back home Yr 5: Stories from a Soldier's Suitcase Yr 6-10: WW1 Poetry, brought to life
Aimed at: Years 2/3 to Year 6
Duration: Full or half day, pick n mix
Provider: Hilary
Notes: serving the South East only
WW1 Drama Workshop
Pupils work together to make decisions about a suitcase containing a series of objects relating to WW1, such as photographs, war medals, and letters. Using the drama technique 'the mantle of the expert', pupils respond to guided drama by the facilitator who asks for help.
Aimed at: KS2 and KS3
Duration: Half or full day
Provider: Workshops For Schools
The Second World War
Evacuees Drama
Put yourself in the position of an evacuee sent far away from home. How would you feel? Role play leaving home, the journey into the unknown, your new family and your new life. This workshop includes elements from the books 'Carrie's War' & 'Goodnight Mr Tom'.
Aimed at: Year 4/5 upwards
Duration: Full or half day
Provider: Hilary
Notes: serving the South East only
WW2: Home Front / Evacuees
Pupils explore aspects of life for children during World War 2. A range of practical drama approaches - including mime, tableaux, role-play, improvisation and writing-in-role - help pupils to develop an understanding of the various challenges children faced at that time. A fast-paced workshop packed full of fascinating facts, which still allows time for discussion and reflection.
Aimed at: Years 5 & 6
Duration: Half day (morning or afternoon)
Provider: Arts On The Move
World War 1 Workshop
'Poetry Into Performance'
A powerful World War 1 poem by Siegfried Sassoon is brought to life through freezes, sound effects, role play and mime. Pupils are encouraged to explore the meaning behind the lines, the rhythm of the language and the aims of the poet, and will gain some understanding of the impact of 'The Great War'.
Aimed at: Years 5, 6 & 7
Duration: 75 minutes
Provider: Arts On The Move